From Fashion Trends to Health Advocacy, This captivating tale chronicles one woman’s transformative journey from a celebrated fashion blogger to a fervent health advocate.
Erica and her battle with breast cancer and subsequent empowerment, she reshapes perceptions in fashion, and champions informed healthcare choices for women worldwide.”
Erica, could you share more about your journey from being a fashion blogger and entrepreneur to advocating for flat visibility in the fashion industry?
I started my blog/company, Delightfully Deligne, LLC, in 2014 as my creative outlet for my love of fashion and personal styling. After a few years, it evolved into a social media agency offering ad creatives and advertising management on digital platforms.
My focus as a breast cancer survivor and fashion blogger is leveraging my creative skillsets and voice to help create more flat representations in the fashion industry.
Flat women are severely underrepresented in fashion, and this needs to change.
One in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer, and more are opting to go flat as the prevalence of breast implant illness increases. Women like me don’t want to risk putting their health in further jeopardy with implants.
What inspired you to transition from a career in marketing to focus on empowering women facing breast cancer?
I wouldn’t say I am entirely out of marketing, as I still manage a select few clients for marketing and communications.
However, after going through my breast cancer journey, I realized how uninformed women are when making these life-altering decisions. Within weeks of receiving your diagnosis, you are expected to make these informed decisions while also being flooded with overwhelming emotions.
Not all women take the time to do their research, and they end up regretting their choice of reconstructing with implants due to pain, discomfort, and complications. One in 3 women who face mastectomies will suffer from reconstructive complications.

How did your personal experience with breast cancer influence your perspective on advocating for informed decision-making in healthcare?
I realized that I rebounded a lot faster by ‘going flat’ from the get-go, which is something I want for all women who face breast cancer. Empowering women to learn more independently and not solely rely on the medical guidance provided to them is critical. Women need to do their research when it comes to the risks associated with breast reconstruction and breast implant illness because it isn’t provided for us.
According to the National Library of Medicine, only 14.3% of women felt they were thoroughly informed of all the risks associated with reconstruction.
Ultimately, going flat is the healthiest option for a woman’s body to recover from, yet not all surgeons offer it as an option. Some even try to dissuade women from going flat. There is no denying that the monetary benefits are higher with reconstruction, as the cost of mound reconstructive surgery (implants or tissue) can go up to $89,000, according to
At the same time, the cost for my double mastectomy with an aesthetic flat closure was around $6,500 (which costs can vary geographically).
After I did my research, I presented going flat as an option to my surgeon.
Thankfully, my surgeon did not resist me but only supported my decision and did a fabulous job on my flat closure, which isn’t the case for all women.
Numerous women have shared their stories with me and have not been as fortunate to receive support from their surgeons, which is why I now advocate for more flat awareness and representation. Women deserve to be presented with all options.
Could you share more about your challenges as a single mother and entrepreneur and how you navigated them?
I married my son’s father for two years after his birth. Becoming a mother at age 24 forces you to evaluate your life and what you want for yourself and your child. I remember being so envious of the stay-at-home moms as I built my side hustle to replace my 9-5 job.
I was working so much non-stop that I sacrificed relationships and many of my son’s younger years to spend more time with him during his adolescence.
I always wanted to be the mom who could pick her kid up directly from school and not from the after-hours daycare. I finally got to be that mom when Noah went into 7th grade.
He and I have a close bond; as my family would say, “We are two peas in a pod.” I’m grateful to God daily for blessing me with such a fantastic son and allowing me to find my way in something I am passionate about; all the peaks and valleys have been well worth the journey.
What strategies have you employed to increase the visibility and acceptance of flat women in the fashion industry?
It’s a challenging mountain to climb as this industry is very cutthroat, but progress can be made for flat women, especially now that we see women above 40 on the runways. I like to pitch ideas to brands on breast cancer awareness campaigns to be more flat-inclusive—any opportunities to share my story or advocate influential people I take.
I once semi-aggressively approached Nigel Barker at a launch party in NYC. The next day, I apologized to him on Instagram, which he accepted. He’s a nice guy, but our conversation that night made me realize how long the road would be for flat representation to occur in fashion.
Could you discuss the role of your platform in providing support and empowerment for women considering flat closure after breast cancer?
I’m often approached by women who have stumbled upon my flat closure images from my blog Delightfully Deligne via Google or my social channels.
Being a woman involved in fashion, I feel it’s important to let other women know that your boobs do not define who you are, and you can still have confidence without them.
Beauty is an inside job. You can still be fabulous and, most importantly, feel great without worrying about foreign objects inside your body.
So, much of my content inspires women to think outside the box. We are empowering them with the knowledge that they are whole within themselves.
In what ways do you believe the fashion industry can better cater to the needs of women who choose flat closure?
The fashion industry needs to start by recognizing flat women as a new subgroup of women in our modern society. Sixty-two percent of women who are faced with double mastectomies opt to go flat, yet it’s not talked about. The more inclusive flat women can be, the less taboo and more normalized it will be for women to make healthy choices for their bodies without judgment.
Designers should consider curating small capsules specifically for flat women. I know firsthand how hard it is to find a flattering evening gown that provides confidence for a black-tie event.
One in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer, and the fashion industry has an opportunity to help make a difference and change the narrative for a lot of women who will face a diagnosis. Flat women deserve to be celebrated by fashion, too.
What advice would you offer to women navigating the healthcare system and considering flat closure as an option for breast cancer treatment?
My research included joining Facebook groups such as Fierce, FLAT, Forward, and Breast Implant Illness and Healing by Nicole. Reading other women’s stories gives you a better perspective. After you research and know that ‘going flat’ is your option, it’s essential to find a breast surgeon who is also a plastic surgeon.
I get so many compliments on my flat closure, which resulted from going with a double-board-certified plastic surgeon. Plastic surgeons always think more about the surgery’s aesthetics and outcome than general breast surgeons. They want their work to look good because it’s their reputation on the line.
Can you share any success stories or milestones you’ve achieved in your efforts to promote flat visibility and empowerment?
Success to me is helping one woman to be more informed. Nothing pleases me more than reading emails or messages from women telling me they have decided to ‘go flat’ and thank me for sharing my story. I’ve been honoured to be featured on NY1 News, in Bella Magazine NYC, and to speak at a fashion show during New York Fashion Week.
What initiatives or projects are you currently working on to further your mission of empowering women faced with breast cancer?
It’s pitching season, and I’m sending brands emails highlighting ways we can collaborate to create campaigns for breast cancer awareness. I am also working on writing my first book.
How do you envision the future of flat closure and its acceptance in the healthcare and fashion industries?
I believe it’s only a matter of time before breast implant manufacturers start struggling. There is too much evidence and pressure from women that testify to the toxicity of implants. Wait lists for explant surgery consultations are out to six months in larger cities, and just last year, the FDA mandated black warning labels on the implant boxes (which the patients never see). I think in five to 10 years; we will see a shift with more flat representation.